
Historical Events

Here at History Matters Ltd, we can create any event using History as a Theme.
We have the experience, the enthusiasm and most importantly; the people, to transform the norm into the spectacular!
Let us make a present of the past.


TV & Film Costumed Extras

Providing Costumed Extras to the TV & Film Industry in Scotland has given us some fantastic opportunities to meet other media professionals, both behind and in front of the camera.



We can create any event using History as a theme.

We have the knowledge and the equipment, but more importantly, we have the people that are able to transform the norm into the spectacular!

Historical Education

Quite often, History can be seen as a dry, boring and dusty subject that’s something to painfully sit through and endure.


We firmly believe that every event can have historical entertainment added to it, adding another dimension for the guests to enjoy.

Medieval Banquets

A feast for all of the senses as the guests are invited to dress up and join in a variety of themed events.

Travelling Tavern

A themed tavern or bar specific to any event, we provide any style of food and drink as required by the organisers.

Murder Mystery

The guests are involved throughout the whole event, examining evidence laid before them and helping to find out the murderer amongst them.
What do you offer?

TV & Film Extras

Acting as an Extras Agency, we're able to provide a whole range of historically dressed Extras, Props and Equipment to the TV & Film industry.


Our Characters



We have a fantastic team of people who use their love of history to bring the past to life, in a fun and informative way.  Whether that’s at an Event that you’ve asked us to be part of; or one of our own events, we hope that everyone watching or taking part in it, comes away loving having been part of something special, as much as we’ve loved being a part of it.  We believe that everything can be presented using History as a fantastic backdrop!

Our costs are relative to what we’re doing.  If it’s a single person performance with minimal props, it’ll cost less than a full on event with lots of performers, props, van hire and accommodation etc.  We’re always up front with all of the costs we spend to be able to put on a performance for you and believe that the quality of what our audience experience provides fantastic value for money.

Again, it’s dependent on the type of performance it is you’ve asked us in to do. We love providing interactive performances that get everyone involved.  The more you get involved, the more we come away with huge smiles on our faces of having had a brilliant time in this job that we love doing.

Not at all!  We encourage all age groups to engage with what we’re doing at our events.  That ranges from Educational Performances in Schools to our more mature members of the communities who’ve come to our events (and been just as noisy as the wee ones!).  Whether it’s a Foam sword provisioned Kiddies Army or a cake slice wielding themed wedding with every age group cheering, we aim to provide entertainment for everyone.

We have been in existence since 2011 and have been lucky enough to have been involved with hundreds of very diverse events.  We’ve been in every century from the Bronze Age to the Second World War through participation of loads of different events; including Theatre Performances, Film shows, Prison education, Medieval Campsites in Germany, Scotland and England and so much more!  We’ve arranged and delivered Medieval Banquets, large and small Community Events and solo performer Programmes for hundreds of people to attend.  Have a look through the website or on our social media to see what we’ve been lucky enough to have been involved with.

We are partnered with the best not-for-profit re-enactment group in the world!  If you’re looking to get into this amazing life, send us a message and we’ll put you in touch with them.  You won’t be disappointed!
